Medley Pickling & Canning Kit
Create your own medley of pickled veggies and spices.

Medley is a seven-piece pickling and canning kit to make home pickling even easier. The seven items in the kit were to be sold separately on a store shelf but together they make up a kit for pickling and canning. 

There have been many famous historians who were passionate about the pros of pickles. Pickling has been used for centuries to store veggies for long periods of time. The various uses and stories from history have proven that pickling is something anyone could benefit from weather it’s for the health benefits or the delicious addition to a sandwich, pickled cucumbers and veggies have an endless amount of opportunities for customization and it’s easy enough for anyone to do. The possibilities of mixtures that go into the pickling jar are endless and each jar is unique in its own mixture. People have pickled different veggies together with their favorite spices added into the brine, which gave them not only a perfect pickle, but a beautiful medley of colors and flavors. Home pickling and canning became a more popular hobby in recent years and this kit was made to show how easy it is for anyone to pickle at home with very little supplies.

The colors in pickle jars gave inspiration for the design, particularly the color scheme. The tinted green color of the brine along with the various colors of vegetables in a pickling jar came together to create a tan, green, and mustard yellow, for the color scheme. The monoline decoration around the logo was inspired by vintage cans and food packages. The aged and worn texture applied to the shapes gave the design a more seasoned look which showed not only the timeless technique of pickling but the vintage aesthetic of something that had been sitting in the cabinet for a while, aging into the perfect combination of veggies and spices. 

The box used for the three spice blends created a frame that wrapped around three sides of the package with a die cut out to expose the jars. The die cut belly band for the funnel was made to show the entire product while still providing the necessary information.

Medley’s Process Book
