Sip like a local
Team Members: Lindsey Melville, Zoey Ziegler, Juliana Sampaio, Kelly Bernard, and Kasey Stevenson

Citysip is an app that is for any consumer who genuinely enjoys coffee and traveling. It serves as a guide to local coffee shops and to the local consumer. While coffee cravings are growing there is too much corporate influences seen in the media and throughout advertising. Many consumers resort to big coffee chains simply because of ease. Local businesses aren’t seen as much as they should be and are often overlooked by tourists who are unfamiliar with a new city.

Citysip provides insight on the actual drink builds, specific coffee shops menus, hours, services, and more. It took out the corporate intimidation and pretentious coffee fanatics wording and brought a new approach to coffee culture. It allows for the consumer to have atmospheric judgement of the shops before even going. Citysip focuses on not just the coffee but the experience and learning that can come along with it.

View your proximity to local
coffee shops on a map. 

Filter your search for the perfect sip.
Make sure the coffee shops
you’re viewing have everything
you’re looking for. 

Eliminate little surprises that keep you from having the best experience at coffee shops.  

Key Features

  • Visual exploration of environments.

  • The ability to send specific drinks.

  • The ability to pick your
    environmental preference.

  • The possibility to have a good 
    travel experience.

  • No surprises when you’re visiting
    somewhere new.

  • Provides a chance to expand
    your coffee knowledge.

The audience for Citysip consists of frequent travelers, business men and women, and college students who often use coffee shops to work in. The app contains many features, including the ability to send and receive pre-paid drinks from the users favorite places, environmental insights like available seating, and information about the users favorite drink builds to increase their coffee knowledge. When in an unfamiliar city, Citysip provides a map of coffee shops nearby. When a coffee shop is selected, the app reveals locals’ reviews, their menu, their most popular features, available seating, and even photos of their drinks and environment.
User Personas

208 Survey Responses


  • Coffee cravings are growing with too much
    corporate influence while local businesses suffer.
  • Enhanced experience of atmosphere.
  • More comfortability when traveling.
  • Consumers knowing the ingredients in the coffee
    they are purchasing daily.

When a user is looking for a coffee shop for a specific need, like a place to study, or a setting for a job interview, Citysip provides a tailored list of local coffee shops that can meet the necessary requirements. Since many consumers often resort to big coffee chains simply because of ease, Citysip strives to allow coffee drinkers to get a coffee somewhere they truly enjoy.

The design is inspired by the sophisticated coffee drinker and natural elements found in coffee. The shape of the logo represents the point of travel on a map containing a cup of coffee, unifying coffee and traveling. By providing convenience, information, and insight to both locals and tourists, Citysip tailors the act of choosing where to get coffee to the user’s specific preferences and makes it a more personalized and enjoyable experience.